Game:Safety Race

Split girls into 3 groups. Each group will be asked a safety question -if they get it right they will move one step forward and if they get it wrong they move one step backwards. Which ever team is closest to the leader at the end of the game wins.

Safety questions:

  1. If a power wire is on the ground, what should you do?
  2. Where should you fly your kite?
  3. What would happen if you touched your toaster with wet hands?
  4. How would you get out of your meeting place if it was on fire?
  5. Should you test the bath water before you get in?
  6. Where should you go when you have left your burning house?
  7. What must be kept away from small children?
  8. What is a fuse box?
  9. Every home must have working smoke alarms on each level and in or near bedrooms.
  10. You should memorize your address and emergency phone number to call for help.
  11. Matches, lighters and cigarettes are dangerous and you should never play with them.
  12. Would you poke your fork in a toaster?
  13. You should always wear a helmet when riding your bike.
  14. What would you do if your clothes caught fire?
  15. Should you play on playground equipment with a scarf on?
  16. Would you call the fire department in your burning house?
  17. If you were sleeping in your bed, how would you get out?
  18. Candles do not belong in children's rooms and only adults should light them.
  19. Kids should only cook under the supervision of an adult.
  20. If you saw someone else on fire, what would you do?
    Should you jump in the bathtub?
    How would you get out of a burning building?
    When in a burning building with the door shut, what must you do first?
  21. You should always leave your toys all over the floor.
  22. Should you go back into a burning building?
  23. You should never touch chemicals such as drain cleaner or spray paint.
  24. How would you let firefighters know you are still in a burning house?