The Spark Program

I refer to the Spark program book in my website.  This is what each refers to.
Being a Spark Keeper
  1. The Spark Promise
  2. Spark Songs
  3. Friends
  4. Enrolment
  5. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: make a rainbow picture, bring a friend to Sparks, draw a picture in your uniform, help plan a special event, play a getting to know you game
  6. Additional Activity (2)
Being Me Keeper
  1. About Me
  2. Spark Memory Book
  3. Who Am I? (1) - choose from: book of drawings about themselves, friendship bracelets, name favourite pets, act out career positions, bring a guest to do physical activities with girls, do the Women's History Challenge
  4. Who Am I? (2)
  5. Two Stars and a Wish
Going Outside Keeper
  1. Outside Active Games
  2. Nature Walk
  3. Picnic
  4. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: act out things to do on a rainy, sunny and snowy day, celebrate Earth Day by doing a special project for the community, make a bird feeder, create an animal or insect, make an edible aquarium, have a bike/in-line blading/roller skating parade, participate in RCMP Hug-A-Tree program, ask girls about how trees feel
  5. Additionaly Activity (2)
The World Around Me Keeper
  1. Diversity Meeting
  2. Birthdays Around the World
  3. WAGGGS Craft
  4. Aboriginal Crafts
  5. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: listen or make up a story about a child from a WAGGGS country, learn/sing a song from a WAGGGS country, make a puppet of someone from a WAGGGS country, listen to a story about people moving to Canada, bring in a snack from a WAGGGS country, do the Cross Canada Challenge
  6. Additional Acivity (2)
Being Healthy Keeper
  1. Healthy Snack Relay
  2. Healthy Breakfast
  3. Move to the Beat
  4. Heartbeats
  5. Newspaper Skate
  6. Safe Play
  7. Band-Aids
  8. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: story about being healthy, talk about why we need to eat well, explore fruits and vegetables, learn a song about being thankful for food, take the Bone Building challenge, have a meeting at a pool, skating rink, gym, outdoor location where they can be active, talk about dressing warm in winter, learn "Twinkle Twinkle Little Spark"
  9. Additional Activity (2)
In My Community Keeper
  1. Be Prepared Kit
  2. Neighbourhood Walk
  3. Water
  4. Clean Water
  5. Street-Proofing
  6. Spark Cookie Sellers
  7. Be a Safe Cookie Seller
  8. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: learn how to play safely, find out about Neighbourhood Watch, plan short community trips, visit/invite someone from an animal shelter or vet, visit a seniors' home and sing, participate in a community project as a unit
  9. Additional Activity (2)
Exploring and Experimenting Keeper
  1. Play Dough Animals
  2. Goofy Inventions
  3. Musical Instruments
  4. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: outer space story, find the North Star and Big Dipper at night, build a paper airplane, build a vehicle that uses air from a balloon to move, sing a counting song
  5. Additional Activity (2)
Going Camping Keeper
  1. Camping Skit or Story
  2. Campfire
  3. Twenty Minute Hike
  4. Water Safety
  5. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: play a compass game, teach girls what to do if separated from the group, participate in sleepover or two-night camp
  6. Additional Activity (2)
Brownies and Beyond Keeper
  1. Visit a Brownie Unit
  2. Learn the Brownie song
  3. Read the Brownie Story
  4. Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week
  5. The Story of the Baden-Powells
  6. Spark Advancement
  7. Additional Activity (1) - choose from: a short hike with Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders or Senior Branches, joint community project with B,G,P, or SB, learn a funny song with  B,G,P, or SB, make a hat craft or other small craft to trade with  B,G,P, or SB, make a healthy meal with  B,G,P, or SB.
  8. Additional Activity (2)
Cookies Rising Keeper (choose two each year)
  1. Customer Base - Identify family, friends, neighbours and safe strangers to sell cookies to.
  2. Being a Good Citizen - Meet others in the community and share cookies with them.
  3. Exploring Career Options - Understand cookie-related jobs in your community.
  4. Creativity - Explore arts and crafts through cookie themes.
  5. Handing Money - Introduce the concept of handling money.
  6. GGC Ambassador - Introduce the concept of properly presenting yourself in uniform while selling cookies.
  7. Etiquette - Understanding the importance of being polite when selling cookies.
  8. Safety - Understanding the importance of staying safe when selling cookies.
Spark Song