The Spark Program
I refer to the Spark program book in my website. This is what each refers to.
Being a Spark Keeper
- The Spark Promise
- Spark Songs
- Friends
- Enrolment
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: make a rainbow picture, bring a friend to Sparks, draw a picture in your uniform, help plan a special event, play a getting to know you game
- Additional Activity (2)
Being Me Keeper
- About Me
- Spark Memory Book
- Who Am I? (1) - choose from: book of drawings about themselves, friendship bracelets, name favourite pets, act out career positions, bring a guest to do physical activities with girls, do the Women's History Challenge
- Who Am I? (2)
- Two Stars and a Wish
Going Outside Keeper
- Outside Active Games
- Nature Walk
- Picnic
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: act out things to do on a rainy, sunny and snowy day, celebrate Earth Day by doing a special project for the community, make a bird feeder, create an animal or insect, make an edible aquarium, have a bike/in-line blading/roller skating parade, participate in RCMP Hug-A-Tree program, ask girls about how trees feel
- Additionaly Activity (2)
The World Around Me Keeper
- Diversity Meeting
- Birthdays Around the World
- WAGGGS Craft
- Aboriginal Crafts
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: listen or make up a story about a child from a WAGGGS country, learn/sing a song from a WAGGGS country, make a puppet of someone from a WAGGGS country, listen to a story about people moving to Canada, bring in a snack from a WAGGGS country, do the Cross Canada Challenge
- Additional Acivity (2)
Being Healthy Keeper
- Healthy Snack Relay
- Healthy Breakfast
- Move to the Beat
- Heartbeats
- Newspaper Skate
- Safe Play
- Band-Aids
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: story about being healthy, talk about why we need to eat well, explore fruits and vegetables, learn a song about being thankful for food, take the Bone Building challenge, have a meeting at a pool, skating rink, gym, outdoor location where they can be active, talk about dressing warm in winter, learn "Twinkle Twinkle Little Spark"
- Additional Activity (2)
In My Community Keeper
- Be Prepared Kit
- Neighbourhood Walk
- Water
- Clean Water
- Street-Proofing
- Spark Cookie Sellers
- Be a Safe Cookie Seller
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: learn how to play safely, find out about Neighbourhood Watch, plan short community trips, visit/invite someone from an animal shelter or vet, visit a seniors' home and sing, participate in a community project as a unit
- Additional Activity (2)
Exploring and Experimenting Keeper
- Play Dough Animals
- Goofy Inventions
- Musical Instruments
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: outer space story, find the North Star and Big Dipper at night, build a paper airplane, build a vehicle that uses air from a balloon to move, sing a counting song
- Additional Activity (2)
Going Camping Keeper
- Camping Skit or Story
- Campfire
- Twenty Minute Hike
- Water Safety
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: play a compass game, teach girls what to do if separated from the group, participate in sleepover or two-night camp
- Additional Activity (2)
Brownies and Beyond Keeper
- Visit a Brownie Unit
- Learn the Brownie song
- Read the Brownie Story
- Thinking Day and Guide-Scout Week
- The Story of the Baden-Powells
- Spark Advancement
- Additional Activity (1) - choose from: a short hike with Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders or Senior Branches, joint community project with B,G,P, or SB, learn a funny song with B,G,P, or SB, make a hat craft or other small craft to trade with B,G,P, or SB, make a healthy meal with B,G,P, or SB.
- Additional Activity (2)
Cookies Rising Keeper (choose two each year)
- Customer Base - Identify family, friends, neighbours and safe strangers to sell cookies to.
- Being a Good Citizen - Meet others in the community and share cookies with them.
- Exploring Career Options - Understand cookie-related jobs in your community.
- Creativity - Explore arts and crafts through cookie themes.
- Handing Money - Introduce the concept of handling money.
- GGC Ambassador - Introduce the concept of properly presenting yourself in uniform while selling cookies.
- Etiquette - Understanding the importance of being polite when selling cookies.
- Safety - Understanding the importance of staying safe when selling cookies.